sexta-feira, 23 de abril de 2004

Perguntar não ofende

Terá sido nestas premissas que o nosso governo se baseou para falar em "Evolução", em vez de "Revolução"?

"More revolutions have succeeded in their first assault than, once
have been brought to a standstill and held there. Revolution is not a
permanent state, it must not develop into a lasting state. The full spate of
revolution must be guided into the secure bed of evolution."
-- Adolf Hitler (Discurso aos Governadores do Reich, 6 de Julho de 1933)

"For as soon as the party had taken over power, and this new condition of
affairs was consolidated, I looked upon it as a matter of course that the
Revolution should be transformed into an evolution."
-- Adolf Hitler (Discurso no Reichstag, 30 de Janeiro de 1937)

Não levem a mal. Perguntar não ofende.